What Height will my Fruit Tree Grow?
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Why does my plant label say that my fruit tree could grow from 5-10 metres in height? That’s a big difference! You’re right - it IS a big difference!
There are lots of reasons why the mature height of a fruit tree can differ. Below are a few of the common reasons that could have an influence:
- Whether grown in a pot or in the ground
- Local weather conditions and climate
- Consistency of watering
- Soil profile and composition
- Added nutrition for the plant (too much, too little, balanced)
- Pruning and plant management
- Specific rootstock used
- Exposure to, and management of, pest or disease
- Amount of sunshine
- Amount of protection, shade and shelter
- Specific genetics of the tree
The location your tree is grown in and its care and management, will provide a specific combination of factors that will impact on the maximum height your fruit tree could potentially grow.